
Showing posts from October, 2018

Changing lanes

Getting back to Kulliyyah was not an easy task. I still have many things to catch up. Sometimes I felt like I was too far behind my friends, sometimes I felt that I am not strong enough. However, I keep reminding myself of why I'm doing this. Well this picture was taken during one of the methodology class at the library. Frankly, this is before I start to feel sleepy because of the cold auditorium. I was always the one who was fought sleeping by my lecturers in my undergraduate years. I remember of them yelling at me: "Azlin! Ha macamana, best kan orang kejut cerah mata!" I want to be there, teaching like those lecturers. I always imagine how I would handle my class. Will I be the lion type? This dream keep me alive. I will work harder to catch up. All the falls should not keep me on my knee. I will keep moving. I want to be phenomenal. Not just a lecturer but also a motivated. I want they to take the each of the challenge thrown at Thier face. I ...

The gifts from Allah

Picture: Ameera in our Iswara This is Ameera. One of my toughest daughter. Born during my Master study in IIUM. She was born at 36 weeks and 6 days, a borderline preterm baby. I have never imagine having 5 kids and studying at my age. Yes, I have the ambition but to actually face it is both dream and nightmare. I was blessed to be given a kind hearted husband, who willingly sacrifices his time and emotion for our family. These gifts from Allah that I sometime taken for granted, should be the center of my struggle. I have to complete my study as soon as possible. I will , I must.

Leaving Facebook to see the world

Image: At the Dar Al Hikmah Library, IIUM Kuantan Assalamualaikum, For those who were looking for me via Facebook, I would like to inform that I have deactivated my account. I don't know for how long, maybe a few days, couple of weeks or months or more. Right now I have to focus on finishing my master as soon as possible. I have sent my softbound thesis and awaiting the examination result. I have to finish my study by the end of this year. I also need to attend conferences, write manuscripts and at the same time need to do the corrections. My blog will be in English medium for now, as I need to polish my writing. InsyaAllah I will only be using simple words as I want people to understand what I wrote. Okay, see you again. Got much to catch up. - Elin Mohamad -